Friday, July 16, 2010

What Is That Lady Doing With That Troll?

What AM I doing with that troll? Or what's it doing with me? Nothing, really, except helping me enjoy a vacation to Disney World with my daughters.

Disney World isn't in my budget this year, and maybe not in yours, either. Plus, I'm in the grasp of summer doldrums. Maybe you are, as well.

The writing is going slowly (and I'm still debating why someone killed the victim in the next story) and maybe your work is, too.

So to make your escape easier, I'm lowering my summer weekend single night price to $65, double occupancy and reducing Friday, Saturday stays to $120. And just for fun, I'll leave a special welcoming gift for you--a slice of pie so homemade that even the peaches came from the Dancing Bean's orchard.

I can't offer trolls, by the way, nor pixies nor elves nor even gnomes. But husband Bill (sadly, dead in the first book but happily alive in real life) is an expert on all things Norwegian. Or you can just enjoy our 20x30 foot in ground swimming pool. Personally, my advice is to take the latter.

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